We are an independent, evangelical, charismatic free church, mission society and charity. We believe in the transforming power of the message of Jesus Christ!

According to Acts 1:8, we see our calling on a local, national and international level:

”But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.”

We believe in God, the Father, in Jesus Christ, the Son of God as the Savior and Lord of the world, and in the Holy Spirit. To us the Bible is the foundation of all reasoning and actions. We are striving to be a fellowship of followers of Jesus modeled after the Biblical example.

We are part of the worldwide Church of Jesus and of the pentecostal-charismatic movement, which currently numbers 644 million believers from all denominations. We acknowledge the “Statement of Faith“ of the International Evangelical Alliance (World Evangelical Alliance: www.worldea.org/whoweare/statementoffaith ).

We are very much aware of the fact we need the experience and revelation of other believers. Therefore we seek contact and cooperation with other churches, groups and Christian fellowships. The concept is a “church without walls”, not closing our eyes to the needs of the world, but rather putting the gospel message into practice in word and deed.


We are convinced that every human being has a right to life:

  • in a reconciled relationship to God
  • in reconciled relationships to their fellow men
  • in a healthy development of their personality in the plans of God


Therefore it is our goal:

  • to call people into a personal relationship to the God of the Bible and to following Jesus personally, and to teach them accordingly
  • to spread the Christian message of reconciliation in word and deed
  • to foster reconciliation and friendship with the Jewish people and Israel
  • to produce mature personalities, capable of taking responsibility for themselves, their surroundings, and society as a whole
  • to produce healthy marriages and stable families as core cells of our society
  • to bring about wholeness and healing for body, soul and spirit